
米虫 2014-02-22 互联网
- Churchill Gun Carrier from tier 6 to tier 5 and reviewing stock Bishop? “When it’s done it’s done, if it happens at all” (SerB states that he can post his personal opinion, but other people deal with rebalance than him)丘吉尔GC由6级降到5

- Churchill Gun Carrier from tier 6 to tier 5 and reviewing stock Bishop? “When it’s done it’s done, if it happens at all” (SerB states that he can post his personal opinion, but other people deal with rebalance than him)

丘吉尔GC由6级降到5级,顺便再对白板主教详细检查一次?“When it’s done it’s done,假如真的发生了这样的情况(SerB:仅仅发表下个人意见,其他人才是处理平衡方面工作的,比我更有发言权)

- there are no plans for now for variable geometry wing fighter jets in the game (such as the Messerschmitt MEP.1109), but in the future their implementation is not excluded

暂时不打算把可变机翼的喷气式战斗机加入游戏,比如(如梅塞施米特 MEP.1109),但以后说不定会加入。

- the option to view replays from old game versions is not going to be implemented (SerB: “Convert the replay to video”)


- SerB states that regarding the way crew XP counter is implemented in WoWp (SS: it allegedly shows crew XP to 100 percent and not to next percent or something like that), there is a really low priority for implementing that to WoT, because both ways are roughly equally comfortable for the player


- SerB states that there is no “gold shell issue” (SS: as in, an issue of players shooting only gold in randoms), because everyone can do that

SerB :金币弹不存在神马问题*(全程金币弹),因为每个人都可以那样做!

- SerB states that the impression tier 9 vehicles get (after the removal of battletier 12) thrown more often to the bottom of the team is false and not consistent with Wargaming’s statistics

SerB :在移除12级房后,感觉9级车经常分到队伍末尾打酱油的说法是不正确的,并且这与WG的统计数据也不相符

- SerB states, that HE shells, that penetrate the armor completely (by their kinetic energy) don’t lose penetration ability over distance or get normalized, because “there is a quite complicated process of penetration, connected with the deformation of a thin-walled shell. Roughly said, limited sturdiness of the shell doesn’t allow for much more penetration even at short distances. Well, and as for normalization, these shells don’t ‘twist’” (SS: by “twist” I mean the process where the shell changes its vector upon impact, based on the construction of the point of the shell)

SerB :HE弹完全击穿装甲后不会随着距离而损耗穿深或者得到转正,因为这个击穿的过程那是相当的复杂,它与弹药壳外壁的变形还有关系。大致来说,炮弹外壳有限的强度、就算在短距离下,也不会有很高的穿深,还有对于炮弹转正来说,其外壳不会发生偏移的现象。

- FPS dropping on new winter maps? SerB: “How terrible. I checked, both the new maps and the old maps have roughly the same FPS for me. Write to support.”


Reworked Personal Rating formula (重做后的个人评级公式,也可以叫做官方新战斗力)

Posted on February 20, 2014bySilentstalker — 9 Comments ↓

Hello everyone,

this personal rating formula was reworked in 8.10, but somehow, it eluded players’ attention. Since patch 8.10, the Wargaming Personal Rating formula looks like this:


win – winrate (from 0 to 1)——胜率

surv – survival rate (from 0 to 1)——幸存率

dmg – average damage per battle——均伤

bc – total amount of battles played——总战斗场次

bc8.8 – amount of battles played from the point of patch 8.8 release——8.8版本开始的战斗场次

xp8.8 – average XP per battle (without premium account, from the point of patch 8.8 release)——8.8版本开始的平均每场经验,不包括金币帐号的加成

radio8.8 – average damage done after your spotting (from the point of patch 8.8 release)——8.8版本开始的平均点亮伤害

track8.8 – average damage done after you detracking the opponent (from the point of patch 8.8 release)——8.8版本开始的平均断带伤害


《坦克世界》是一款在2010年由Wargaming公司推出的战争网游。于2010年10月30日在俄罗斯首发,2011年4月12日在北美和欧洲推出,2011年3月15日在中国由空中网代理推出。 ...
